We are experienced working with attorneys and courts to preserve, analyze and present digital evidence from computers, cell phones and other digital devices.
TC Forensics can recover your lost or deleted data. Dead hard drive? Lost Bitcoins? Deleted photos? We can find those files and restore them.
Has your private data been released to the wild? If a hacker or a internal error has exposed private information we can help determine the extent of what was exposed and how it happened. We will help you prepare an appropriate response and prevent another breach.
Peter J. Theobald, ACE/AME is a Digital Forensics Analyst specializing in forensic computer examinations and data recovery. TC Forensics offers investigative services and expert advice on matters related to recovering hidden, destroyed, or lost data in connection with a wide variety of litigated matters.Mr. Theobald has 30 years experience in software development and computer network security. Mr. Theobald has been court appointed as a computer forensic expert in Nassau, Suffolk, and New York County.Resume: Full CV for legal matters: